Saturday, February 13, 2016

A new home

At some point when I was studying at uni, I used to identify myself as a blogger. I blogged, I wrote, I took photographs, and I had an internet community of readers and fellow bloggers to which I belonged.

All that changed when I graduated and started my full time job. I was reading all the time, but for business. I wrote, but for clients. I spent my days intensely litigating, advising, doing what a lawyer does, and my nights in a daze in front of the TV, too tired to think critically and creatively.

This blog used to be on tumblr as a record of my life and my travels. I've since moved it to Blogger, and the intention that I would document more of my travels and a new aspect of my life that has happened in the last six months - my experience as an Airbnb host.

I am hoping that this move inspires me to read for pleasure, write for self-expression, and get back in touch with my creative, adventurous self that I know lies underneath the "legal eagle" exterior.

Let's see what the future holds.