Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Penang: Eat. Drink. And be merry.

Last month, partly motivated by the desire to see our friend PJ, partly motivated by this show, I went to Penang with LJ.

When I came back, people asked me: “how was Malaysia?” and I said, “amazing, we ate EVERYTHING.”

Then they asked, “did you shop?"

And I said, "no, we ate."

"Did you go to the beach?”

“No, we ate.”

Literally. We just ate for 3 days, thoroughly appreciating the good food, cheap beers and the art of a good conversation. It was the most amazing, exhausting, and delicious trip ever.






It was the first time I had meat in just over a year. My tastebuds certainly weren’t complaining, but my stomach was a little … overworked.



Sunday, January 12, 2014

What I read in 2013

Full list of books I read in 2013 here.

  • Favourite book (fiction) of the year - A Tale for the Time Being, by Ruth Ozeki. 

  • Favourite book (non-fiction) - Country Driving, by Peter Hessler

  • Highly recommended: Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn, The Fault in Our Stars by Jonathan Green, All That I am by Anna Funder.